It is one thing to read for an exam and it is another thing to remember what you have read few days later. Many students on campuses do face these challenges at school. In this article i will be sharing with you seven (7) ways to remember everything you read in the examination hall.
Read enough- The first step to remember is to read. The fact is if you do not read there is nothing to remember. Read through all required materials and study them carefully before you go to the exam hall.
Understand what you read- Read thoroughly, and after reading ask yourself this simple questions ” Do i understand this stuff “. Understand each line, each paragraph, each passages and each chapter before moving to the next one. Every lines has hidden details you should take note of.
Write it down- Put in writing what you have read. By so doing you will be less likely to forget what you have written many times.
Revise it again- Constant practice makes perfect. It is not enough to read a note once. Finish it ones or two time before the exam day.
Involve yourself in group discussion- Discuss with your friends of like minds. Organize a group chats where you discuss the knowledge you have got. This will help you remember all what you have read.
Argue with friends- This is what i did during my undergraduate study in Ahmadu bello university. I argue with friends on difficult topics. That way we agree and disagree , then arrive at a conclusion.
Use Adrenaline- Now this is my main secret. Have always noticed that you tend to read and remember things more during exam period. This is the power of Adrenaline. Make sure you read the note over and over and answer all related questions before you enter the exam hall. There is no way you should forget it since it is still hot and fresh.
Good Luck !!!