Stephanie Staples - Something More

Acclaimed gospel singer-songwriter Stephanie Staples proudly announces the release of her latest single, "Something More," now available for streaming on all major platforms. This poignant and spiritually rich song delves into the profound need for a present, living hope amidst life's trials and tribulations.

Originally written years ago under the title "Reality / Philosophy," "Something More" has waited for the perfect moment to unveil its powerful message. The song serves as a heartfelt reflection on the necessity of a present hope that transcends grief and suffering. A spontaneous addition during a piano session with Mitch—the bridge, "Storms will come, waves will rise, houses fall, what a tragedy. When will we learn the error of our ways?"—captures the emotional core of the song, making it one of Stephanie's favorite parts.

Inspired by a moving experience at a funeral, where the minister's focus on a distant hope of heaven left attendees yearning for immediate solace, Stephanie recognized the need for a message of hope that sustains in the present. "Jesus offers more than 'someday' hope," explains Stephanie. "He came 'to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.' He promises us living water, a gift of God available here and now."

Stephanie emphasizes that while many are familiar with Christian teachings, the deeper, more intimate connection with God is often overlooked. "Forgiveness is great, but connection is greater. Jesus made it possible for us to experience both forgiveness and an unhindered connection with the living God. Let’s not settle for half-truths. Let’s embrace the fullness of what has been given to us.”

"Something More" is a call to awaken and seek the truth that sets us free. It serves as a powerful reminder that a present connection with the Shepherd can save us from being “tossed about by winds.”

Discover the transformative message of "Something More" by streaming and sharing the new single today.

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