Overcoming Temptation by Joy John Niyi

Meditate: 1 Corinthians 10:13

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability."

Picture this:

Three friends—Sophie, Bridget, and Sarah—decide to stop at the mall to pick up some groceries. They had made a list, organized by needs, wants, and the least important items. But once they got to the mall, things quickly went off track.

Bridget, without paying attention to their plan, rushed straight to the chocolate section. She couldn't resist her favorite treat—snickers. She grabbed five bars from the shelf. Sophie, frustrated, picked up a basket and began gathering the items they actually needed, while Sarah pretended not to notice Bridget lost in her chocolate-filled world.

Temptation: A Tool to Sin

In our daily lives, temptation is unavoidable. It is part of the human experience, constantly testing our values and convictions. Like a bully, it tries to provoke us and lure us away from what we know is right. In the story above, Bridget represents someone who gives in to temptation—she lets her cravings for chocolate take over, forgetting the plan.

Temptation often comes in the form of our desires. As James 1:14-15 teaches, we are tempted when we are lured by our own desires, which can lead to sin. It distracts us from our goals, visions, and priorities. But recognizing temptation for what it is helps us stand firm against it.

"The greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul." — David O. McKay

Meditate: Matthew 26:41

Resisting Temptation

Temptation, when yielded to, leads to sin. It pulls us away from God's will. Consider the temptation of Jesus by Satan in Matthew 4:1-11. Satan tried to offer Jesus what already belonged to Him, just as temptation tries to offer us fleeting pleasures that can't compare to what God has in store for us.

Temptation is a disguise, a trick to make us rebel against God by giving in to our fleshly desires. It’s true that resisting the pull of our flesh is hard, but as believers, we have the strength to overcome, just like Sophie and Sarah in the story.

"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you." — Brian Tracy

They focused on their purpose for being at the mall, and so can we. By setting boundaries and staying committed to our goals, we can resist temptation. Scriptures like Ephesians 6:11 and Philippians 4:13 remind us to arm ourselves with God's strength. How can we create boundaries to overcome temptation? It may involve avoiding people, situations, or places that make us struggle. Surrounding ourselves with like-minded friends can also give us the support and encouragement we need.

Meditate: Romans 12:21

The Power of Prayer and Community

While it’s impossible to avoid temptation completely, it is possible to overcome it. How? Through prayer and community. When faced with temptation, kneeling before God and asking for His strength is the most powerful tool we have.

"Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." — Søren Kierkegaard

Just as Sophie and Sarah supported each other, having a supportive community of faith makes a big difference (see Hebrews 10:24-25). Bringing our struggles before God through prayer strengthens us and brings us closer to Him. It also creates accountability within our community, which is essential in helping us overcome temptation (Acts 6:4).

Wrapping Up

Overcoming temptation requires active involvement, awareness, and planning, all backed by God's divine support. Bridget’s craving for chocolate is a metaphor for the temptations we all face—none of us are exempt. But understanding how to overcome them is key. Three things are crucial: setting boundaries, turning to God in prayer, and relying on a supportive community. Each small victory against temptation builds resilience for future challenges.

Prayer Points:

Lord, grant me the strength to resist temptations that lead me away from Your path. Help me stay focused on You. Amen (Matthew 6:13).

Father, surround me with supportive friends who encourage me in my faith journey. May we uplift each other in moments of weakness. Amen (Proverbs 27:17).


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