Unlocking the Power of Faith: A Guide to Deeper Belief by Joy John

It’s been five months—a significant milestone since you decided to leave your old ways behind (2 Cor 5:17) and embrace the Lordship of Jesus Christ. At the start, you were filled with awe and wonder at the immense power of our Lord—His ability to do what only He can (Jer 32:27, Isa 40:28) and who He is (John 14:6). But now, in your sixth month, the journey seems harder, more draining, and at times overwhelming.

It may feel like your life is hanging by a fragile thread, ready to break and send you back into the troubled waters of this world. But there is a word for you today.

You've likely heard others share incredible stories of their encounters with Jesus. Some say, "If you come to Jesus, all your troubles will disappear" (though Jesus does bear our burdens—Matt 11:28). Others claim, "Surrender to Him, and your business will prosper, you'll be wealthy, and you'll have everything you desire." But have you ever paused to consider: What if these things don’t come to pass? What if you follow Him and don’t receive everything the world promised?

Would you turn away from Christ, rejoin the broken past you left behind, and grieve Him once more? What if you don't get the promises others speak of? This isn’t about sowing doubt or hopelessness. Rather, it’s about realigning your heart with God's will (Matt 6:33).

Faith in the Face of Doubt
Many Christians have faithfully walked with the Lord for decades, hoping for a blessing, such as a child, that never came. Yet their faith remains unwavering. So, I ask again—what if you don’t receive what you expect? This question isn't meant to diminish your faith but to challenge your focus. What does God truly desire for you?

Remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt: "If you lose faith, you lose all." Faith is the foundation upon which our Christian walk stands. It isn’t a magic solution to every problem, but the very essence of our relationship with God (Heb 11:6). Without faith, we are merely practicing religion. Faith is not about avoiding challenges but enduring them, trusting that God is working in ways beyond our understanding (Isa 55:8).

Faith: The Substance of Things Unseen
Faith, as described in Hebrews 11:1, is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” It’s not a tool for manipulating circumstances; it’s the bedrock of our relationship with God. Without it, we cannot please Him. Faith is not a passive belief—it is active trust in the unseen, a leap into the unknown, guided by the certainty that God is faithful.

Consider this: If you’ve come to God expecting Him to fix every problem instantly, you may need to rethink your understanding of faith. Faith is more than just belief—it is action. It’s like trusting a friend to guide you through a room blindfolded. You can’t see the way, but you trust the instructions, even when you can’t see the end result.

As A.W. Tozer said, "Any faith that must be supported by the evidence of the senses is not real faith." Faith is acting even when you cannot see the outcome, trusting fully in God’s character and promises.

The Transformative Power of Faith
Faith is not about blind optimism but about choosing hope in the midst of uncertainty. It’s the courage to trust in something bigger than ourselves. It's about finding strength in God when the path ahead is unclear. Faith is a journey of discovery—a conversation with the divine—and a source of inspiration and strength in every aspect of life.

So, let's explore the power of faith and how it can transform your life.

Final Thoughts: Deepening Your Faith
Faith is the lifeblood of our Christian walk. It’s not just a belief but a relationship built on trust. As we navigate this journey, let’s deepen our faith in God and lean on Him in times of uncertainty. Reflect on Hebrews 11, and allow it to guide your understanding of faith as a tool of endurance and trust.

Prayer Points

Strength in Faith
Lord, I come before You, filled with faith in Your promises. Help me to be bold and courageous in my walk with You. Grant me the confidence to stand firm in Your truth, even when I face challenges. Remind me of Your faithfulness, and give me the strength to trust in Your goodness, no matter what. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Psalm 27:14: Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Josh 1:9, Heb 10:23)

Healing and Restoration
Lord, I believe in Your healing power. I come before You with faith, knowing that You are a God who heals. I ask for Your touch on my [specific area of need]. Heal me, restore me, and make me whole. I trust in Your perfect plan and Your promise of restoration. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Psalm 103:3: He heals all your diseases and redeems your life from the pit. (Isa 53:5, James 5:15)

Embrace the journey of faith with confidence, trusting that God’s plan for your life is always greater than you can imagine.


  1. Elizabeth Omobawire9 September 2024 at 06:32

    A reminder to hold on to God even in difficult times. Thanks for this wonderful piece.

  2. This gave me a whole new meaning of faith and what is expected of a true follower of Christ

  3. knowing this is knowing peace, working by it gives inner peace. Thanks for the awesome word ma.

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