Anyi - You Are Able

"God has consistently come to my rescue in both simple and intricate ways. There have been moments of uncertainty, where I've pondered my next steps after exhausting all efforts, only to experience a sudden revelation—a brilliant idea, an unexpected call, or a timely text—that has brought about a complete transformation." - Anyi

Remember that God is fully capable of delivering you from any challenging situation, regardless of how daunting it may appear. Take a moment to reflect on the remarkable miracles He has performed in your life and express your gratitude by saying, "Onye Olu Ebube dalu" (Miracle Worker, thank you).

Anyi is a dedicated gospel music artist with a profound passion for spreading the gospel of Christ through music. His musical style encompasses elements of Rock, Soul, Afro, and Pop. By profession, he is a Biomedical Scientist and a Public Health professional. Additionally, he serves as the Assistant Music Director in the musical department of CGMI Church Unusual. Anyi is happily married to his wife, Eugenia (I ask you), and they are blessed with three wonderful children.

Anyi - You Are Able Lyrics

God of miracles
God of possibilities
Water Walker, You never fail
God of Wonders
In You no impossibilities
You’re Way Maker
You never fail

All the failures disappear
Darkness and diseases fade away

You are able
You’re more than able
You never fail me no
You never fail me no, no
Look what You've done
Look what You've done
Onye Olu Ebube dalu O
(God of wonders thank you)

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